As you go through your high school life, explore the digital world of the building of communities around Dominica from 1838-1938. Learn the events which led to the building of these new communities and how they impacted Dominica’s history today.
On this site, you will learn the impact of 1934 emancipation which in turn caused Dominica to become the first British Caribbean Colony to have a black controlled legislature in the 19th century and the various uprising and riots within that time period. The site aims to offers high school students the ideal place to discover information on the important events and persons involved in the evolving of various plantations and estates into prestigious communities we know today. Students will also learn when major and minor roads plans were drafted and executed and most importantly the persons who made all of these communities possible.
This historical journey of building communities is both exciting and informative. We ask you to journey with us through the building of various communities around Dominica.
Begin your exploration with these cool timelines…
Important Dates in Dominica 1838 – 1938